BE A WINTER WARRIOR, BUT DON'T FORGET RECOVERY June 15, 2021These ideas are so good, you'll be tempted to end your workout early just to get home to enjoy them. But don't do that...too often.
MAKE HEALTHY EATING EASIER WITH SONYA LOONEY, PART 1 May 28, 2021I don’t have time to grocery shop and cook. I don’t have time to eat healthy I have food cravings that derail my healthy eating plans. Being at home more...
TRIATHLON NUTRITION PLAN April 29, 2021Nutrition is the fourth discipline of a triathlon and it needs just as much attention as your training plan. Our Triathlon Nutrition plan has high levels of BCAAs and energy-packed...
FOR IMPROVED PERFORMANCE, IS PLANT-BASED THE WAY TO GO? April 29, 2021From a sports nutrition standpoint, it’s well established that protein intake is an essential part of exercise-induced muscle adaptations, since muscle protein turnover is regulated by both exercise and nutrient...
3 REASONS TO GET YOUR CHOCOLATE FIX EVERY DAY February 22, 2021In case you needed a reason (or 3) to eat a little chocolate every day, we've got you covered. Check out our handy write-up on the health benefits of cocoa...
ABCs of Sports Nutrition December 22, 2020We created this series for anyone who moves to talk through the basics of fueling during exercise while dropping some pro tips to help you optimize your nutrition plan. Joined by...