HOW A NEW GU FLAVOUR GETS MADE April 1, 2022Ever wonder how GU flavours go from concept to reality? GU Product Development Manger Brandon Kirchmeyer is the flavour guy around here; essentially he makes GU taste great. So who...
6 WAYS TO BUILD FOR A BETTER SEASON WITH NUTRITION March 12, 2022If you’re looking to perform your best on race day, you know that your nutrition is just as important as the hours you put in during training. Often, athletes tend...
THE GU'D LIFE: BE LIKE WATER March 10, 2022Let’s take a pedal down memory lane for a moment, shall we, to a time and a place that completely changed the trajectory of my cycling career, to a pivotal...
THE GU'D LIFE: PEAKS & VALLEYS February 18, 2022“Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.”...
THE GU'D LIFE: INTRODUCTIONS January 18, 2022Happy New Year, friends! We're psyched to introduce you to a new monthly travel-adventure-exploration storytelling feature we're launching this year, from GU's very own Yuri Hauswald, called The GU'd Life. Each...
TIPS FOR THE TRAVELING ATHLETE December 22, 2021If you don’t mind not having a kitchen, often times the added benefits of a hotel include a free gym, spa and concierge for local travel tips that can ease...